Nov 26, 2011

business lunches and bus rides.

For me, "going to work," means taxi'ing to a university to observe an English class. My students are the teachers. "Working" means sitting at my computer inputting grades and reading lesson plans/journals/discussions.

It's fabulous. Except that my students live all over the map so I have to go in a million directions to get to them.

There is one district where there is just a long road with universities lined up on either side. The university students live in shared dorms. I have several students who teach in this district, so this week I'm just returning every day to the same street.

I was alone for lunch yesterday so went down to the "rubbis street" to get some grub. There are vendors outside selling duck necks, candied hawthorne berries, fried noodles, and roasted sweet potatoes.

I purused some little shops, bought a new blue shade of nail polish, and headed back across the street to observe another class - caught in a sea of black haired students 6 inches shorter than me, notebooks in hand.

While walking around the rubbish street I had a funny thought moment of, "one of these thiiings is not like others!" ha.

Take a look:

check out the sugar canes for sale on the right:

Then I rode the bus home. My job compensates my work expenses, but I have to front the money. Which means I split my trips equally bus/taxi because I can't personally afford so many taxis. Taxi there - bus home.

When I research travelling in India, all I keep hearing about is how crowded it is. Well, today I was on a bus so crowded the driver stopped opening the front door to let people in. Stood like this for 45 minutes holding my bag and computer and in heels:

view out the front:

I think India will be fine, considering this is my commute. haha.

All in a days work.

walk slow. xoxo.

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