I signed the contract.
It took me ten days and 2, "we need your contract asap," emails from the HR department to actually get the gumption to do it - but today it happened. I signed on the dotted line. I have a mini-version of my dream job. Foot in the door. First step. Whatever they call the bottom rung these days.
Because I do not live in the real world, I had to wander around until I found a print shop where I could print my contract from a USB, fill out the forms right there, then pay the workers to scan it and put it back on my USB to email back to California. The whole thing cost me about $ .90. I think they cheated me. ;)
One day my life will be less complicated. I'll have a home, a yard, a washing machine and a dryer, a dishwasher, and neighbors who don't chant N Korean patriotic songs at night. I'll print out my own papers and send them in from my own home office. One day. But not this day.
This day I was signing my big girl contract sitting on a stool in a print shop in Chi.na, sweat dripping down my back and legs and dealing with comunication issues because I said the word for "scanner" in the wrong tone. It all got sorted out though, and I walked out of the shop with a feeling of...legitness.
Homegirl holding my contract...
I walked about an hour home and thought along the way about how every year in Chi.na has been so different. There has been a pattern of "upward" job/education movement each year, (even though that's not the ultimate reason for being here). I sense His hand in it all. Everything has tied together even when it didn't make sense at the time.
Two years ago, the Dean was on a visit to the Chin.ese university where I taught spoken English. He mentioned to me in passing, "How would you like to possibly teach a practicum class?" I was still a Master's student at the time and got chills on my arms just thinking about the possibility. I remember thinking, "You trust me?"
At that time I had no idea I would be getting a PhD on a government scholarship. I had no idea just how long I would stay here. All I knew was that this was a passing comment that I was not going to let up on. I've maintained rational optimism along the way that the right timing would come and I would get the job. (there were many factors involved in my hiring that were out of my control - like student enrollment).
Two years later....without even an interview...I'm contracted in. I've been hopefully waiting for this job for 2 years. And today signed on the dotted line.
I kind of can't believe it.
I'm thankful. I'm scared. I'm ready as I'll ever be.
Professor JG at your service. :)
walk slow. xoxo.
oh....I wish! The job is stationed in China... :( I'm the practicum teacher for masters students who come to China for a year and work as teachers. So I'm stuck here a little while longer....
Hi Jessica! YOU GO GIRL!!!
So proud and happy for you. Lots to do... lots to see....much to accomplish. You're gonna need a bigger bike! Love you sweetheart.
Yea!!!! So glad you were able to complete this task!!! "Winners never quit!" That is one lesson my class had this week and I will pass it on to you. Yea!
yay prof JG soon to be DR!
Mom, thanks for the support, but I don't fully agree with that! I think "winners" sometimes leave situations that are unhealthy or wrong. Quitting is ok sometimes. And how does that have to do with my signing my work contract? haha. Just my thoughts.
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