I got guilted into a spontaneous trip up north...leaving tomorrow and returning Thursday, just in time to leave for Mala.ysia on Friday. (talk about never a dull moment - haven't unpacked from Ame.rica, and I'm off on another airplane from Shan.ghai). I'm nervous because it is a Chin.ese home-stay situation that could potentially have awkward implications. Level of awkwardness potential: 11 on a 10 scale. I'll update you, little blog, after the fact. (I know you're riveted). I'm currently racking my brain for an appropriate visitor gift. I'm currently leaning towards blueberry muffins made from a mix brought from home. That's nice, right? Hm...
When I asked if I should bring my winter coat I was told, "It was snowing, but now it is getting warmer and warmer." Well, I'm not exactly sure what the Chin.ese idea of "warm" is, but when I looked up the weather, this is what I got...
Weather for Weifang, Shandong, China
- Add to iGoogleTue
1°C | -4°CWed
6°C | -3°C
I'm bringing my coat. And 8 pairs of long johns. And a kleenex to wipe my tears as I dream of Florida...
In other news...I miss my sister...
Cheers, xo.
will be thinking of you! love
that pic of us is hawt.
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