Jan 4, 2011

A Giant Christmas Tree + a Fridge = Happiness

Here's a post about as random as a day in Chi.na.

Yesterday was a public holiday in Chiner, so I had the day off school, and let me tell you that was sooooo nice. I can't believe I used to have 4 day weekends. What did I do? Anyways, I biked over to the nearest large grocery store, Trust-Mart (owned by Wal-mart) and along the way while at a red light I saw these beautiful trees...

I've seen then 1000 million times, but they are just so beautiful to me in the winter. (and it had sleeted/snowed the night before so there were snow remnants on the branches).

Then when I got to the grocery store I was reminded that there are 32 days left until Chinese New Year! (see the 32 between the doors?) Whoa. Gotta prepare my earmuffs for the impending fireworks hullabaloo...

When I was in the grocery store I revolutionized my life...I bought a FRIDGE! I recently decided to commit myself to my room because moving off campus is not a possibility for me (money). This commitment meant that I can make the big purchase and know that I will use it for the next 3.5 years. Having a fridge makes everything easier. I can keep food, cook fresh food on my hot plate, and not be at the mercy of Chin.ese venders everytime I need a hot meal. I bought it, then determined it would be delivered today.

I also think that it is really strange and adult-like to own a large appliance.

After the purchase, I went to my friends house and we sorted through some things for an orphan drive that has taken place. More on that in a few days.

After we were done, a few of us loaded up a taxi and set out to the outskirts of Hangzhou to the new mega-mall that has opened this year but that none of us have been to. Oh My Goodness. This mall is like a fancy mall in the states. We all almost got culture shock there. It's clean. Fancy. Peaceful. It's incredible.

My friends were there to go to the ice rink, while I just wanted to wander the mall. Truthfully though, I only went because I had heard that the mall had a giant Christmas tree out front and I wanted to see it! I hadn't seen a good Christmas tree all year! And lo and behold...there was a beautiful, HUGE tree! whooooooo.

My friends skated and I wandered, and then we had a great curry dinner in the food court. A FOOD COURT! So weird. In Chi.na. Hangzhou is changing so fast, 2.5 years ago there was none of this stuff that we have now: Coldstone, H&M, there were some Starbucks but not as many, and now a giant mall with a food court. I wonder how things will be in 3 years?! And when will I be able to afford all this stuff? haha.

It was a great day had by all.

Today unfortunately was back to the grind. I was startled while in the shower by the fridge delivery woman. She did NOT come when they said she would, she was 2 HOURS early! haha. But I totally did not care because I HAVE A FRIDGE! whooooo. I hugged the woman and startled the heck out of her! She told me, "you foreigners are so happy!" Um, no woman, it's because you deliver modern convenience! And that makes foreigners who are used to these conveniences happy! haha.

I thought about taking a photo of my new awesome fridge to document this wonderful day. But instead, I realized that I have not properly introduced my family to my dorm room. So, without further ado...here is a video of my home for the duration of my PhD journey. I have purchased everthing in this room except the bed and desk...

I'm now calling my home my, "studio." It's not a dorm, room, or any other sad word for a 24-28 year old. It's my studio. And I'm lucky to have it rent/bills free. 1/7 people in the world live in slums and I live in a studio. Perspective.

I already made myself dinner tonight because I am so motivated by my fridge. I went to the veggie market and got tomatoes and broccoli and whipped them up with some olive oil in a pan, stirred in 2 eggs, and called it a scramble. Yum.

I'm hoping for a better school day tomorrow because it was hard getting into things after a 3 day weekend. My brain was mush and I was completely unmotivated in class, even sassy at some points. Oops. Tomorrow will be a better day in the classroom.

And I will wake up to the buzz of my fridge! hollerrrrr!

Alright, random update complete. Hope things are good in your world.

walk slow. xoxo.


agapelife said...

that fridge is much bigger than I thought it was going to be. thanks for introducing me to your dorm. loved seeing where you live. awesome.

Mom said...

Thanks for the tour of your studio!
You have everything a person could ask for and plenty of room! I am glad that you got your fridge and are able to keep things cold in your room. Life will be so much nicer for you.

jyothi said...
